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The rubber industry and pharmaceutical field of thiourea

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Chemical properties of potassium permanganate


Oxidative: Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant that can oxidize many inorganic and organic substances. In acidic environments, its oxidation ability is particularly significant.


Solubility: Potassium permanganate is easily soluble in water, forming a deep purple solution.


Stability: Potassium permanganate is relatively stable under dry and cool conditions. But under high temperature or light, it may decompose to produce oxygen.


Color change: The color of potassium permanganate solution changes with concentration and pH value, which is a characteristic used in qualitative and quantitative analysis in analytical chemistry.


The widespread application of potassium permanganate


Water treatment: Potassium permanganate is used for disinfection and purification of drinking water, which can kill bacteria and viruses, and remove organic pollutants from water.


Medicine: In the medical field, potassium permanganate is used to disinfect wounds, treat certain skin diseases, and as a synthetic raw material for certain drugs.


Analytical Chemistry: Potassium permanganate is commonly used for quantitative analysis, such as determining the organic matter content in water quality, and as a titrant.


Laboratory: In the laboratory, potassium permanganate is used for research on redox reactions and as an oxidant to participate in various chemical reactions.


Industry: In industrial production, potassium permanganate is used to produce certain chemicals such as dyes, fragrances, and disinfectants, as well as as as as a corrosion inhibitor in metal processing.


The application of potassium permanganate in the rubber industry


As a rubber vulcanizing agent


During the vulcanization process of rubber, potassium permanganate acts as a strong oxidant and can promote chemical crosslinking reactions between rubber macromolecular chains. This process can be roughly divided into three stages:


Induction stage: The reaction between sulfur molecules and promoter systems (including potassium permanganate) generates a more active intermediate compound, which further triggers the production of cross-linkable free radicals in rubber molecular chains.


Crosslinking reaction stage: A chain reaction occurs between cross-linkable free radicals and rubber molecular chains, generating cross-linked chains.


Formation stage of network structure: In the later stage of this stage, the cross-linking reaction has basically stopped, followed by mainly reactions such as rearrangement and cleavage of cross-linked bonds (i.e. "vulcanization return to the original state" reaction).


Improving the durability and elasticity of rubber products


The use of potassium permanganate as a vulcanizing agent can significantly improve the physical properties of rubber products, including durability and elasticity. Through the vulcanization process involving potassium permanganate, the cross-linking network structure of rubber materials is optimized, thereby improving their tear resistance and fatigue resistance.


In addition, potassium permanganate can also improve the anti-aging performance of rubber, keep its stable physical properties during long-term use, and reduce the performance degradation caused by environmental factors (such as temperature, humidity, light, etc.)


Other industrial uses of potassium permanganate


Water treatment and environmental purification


In the field of water treatment, potassium permanganate is used as an effective disinfectant and oxidant. It can kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in water, thereby purifying drinking water and wastewater. The application of potassium permanganate in water quality purification includes the oxidation of various pollutants such as hydrogen sulfide, phenol, iron, manganese, as well as organic and inorganic pollutants, controlling odor and decolorization. In addition, potassium permanganate is also used to treat industrial wastewater, removing toxic and harmful substances through oxidation, and reducing its impact on the environment.


Disinfectants in the field of agriculture


In agriculture, potassium permanganate is used as a disinfectant to clean and disinfect agricultural tools, facilities, and irrigation systems. It helps prevent and control plant diseases, for example, by treating the roots or leaves of plants with potassium permanganate solution to reduce the spread of pathogens. In addition, potassium permanganate can also be used to disinfect the environment of breeding farms, reduce the occurrence of animal diseases, and improve the safety and efficiency of agricultural production.




Potassium permanganate plays an important role in water treatment, environmental purification, and disinfection in the agricultural sector. Its strong oxidizing properties make it an effective chemical for killing microorganisms and removing pollutants. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the demand for sustainable agricultural development, the application of potassium permanganate in these fields will continue to be valued and may further expand with the development of technology.


Safety and precautions of potassium permanganate


Safety protection during use


Personal protection: When using potassium permanganate, operators should wear appropriate protective equipment, including anti-seepage protective clothing, protective boots, anti-seepage gloves, and goggles. When necessary, a full face multifunctional particulate gas mask should also be used.


Avoid contact: Potassium permanganate should be avoided from contact with skin and eyes to prevent corrosion and irritation.


Environmental control: In environments using potassium permanganate, appropriate exhaust equipment should be provided to avoid the formation of dust and aerosols.


First aid measures: In case of accidental contact, corresponding first aid measures should be taken immediately. For example, after skin contact, rinse with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes; After eye contact, rinse immediately with flowing water or physiological saline for at least 15 minutes; When inhaling, the patient should be quickly moved to fresh air and given artificial respiration.


Notes on storage and handling


Storage conditions: Potassium permanganate should be stored in a cool, dry, well ventilated place, away from fire and heat sources, with a storage temperature not exceeding 32 ℃ and a relative humidity not exceeding 80%.


Packaging requirements: The container of potassium permanganate should be kept sealed to prevent moisture from entering, causing it to absorb moisture and decompose.


Avoid mixing: When storing and handling potassium permanganate, avoid mixing with reducing agents, active metal powders, flammable or combustible substances, etc.


Waste treatment: The remaining and unrecycled potassium permanganate solution should be handed over to a professional treatment company or burned in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubbing equipment.


Leakage emergency response: In the event of a leak, the contaminated area should be immediately isolated, personnel entry and exit should be restricted, and appropriate protective measures should be taken. Small leaks can be collected by mixing sand, dry lime, or soda ash, while large leaks should be collected and recycled or transported to waste disposal sites for disposal.




Comprehensive evaluation of two major fields


Industrial applications: Potassium permanganate is widely used in industry, especially in water treatment and rubber industry. Its role as an oxidant and vulcanizing agent improves the quality and production efficiency of industrial products. However, the use of potassium permanganate requires strict safety measures to prevent potential risks caused by its strong oxidizing properties.


Medical applications: In the medical field, potassium permanganate, as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent, has significant effects on wound treatment and disinfection. But its use requires strict adherence to medical advice and the correct concentration ratio to avoid potential damage to the skin and mucous membranes.


Outlook for future development


Technological innovation: With the advancement of technology, it is expected to develop more efficient and safe potassium permanganate application technologies to improve its efficiency and safety in various fields.


Environmental regulations: The strengthening of environmental regulations may promote stricter regulation of the environmental impact during the use of potassium permanganate, prompting companies and research institutions to develop more environmentally friendly alternatives or improve existing processes.


New application exploration: New application areas of potassium permanganate will continue to be explored, such as potential applications in energy storage, catalysts, and advanced materials.


Safety and Health: Future development will pay more attention to the safety and health issues during the use of potassium permanganate, including improving personal protective measures, enhancing emergency response capabilities for leaks, and strengthening health monitoring of operators.

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