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Application of Sodium Percarbonate in Water Treatment

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Water is one of the most precious natural resources on Earth, playing a crucial role in sustaining life, promoting economic development, and maintaining ecological balance. However, with the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, the pollution of water resources is becoming increasingly serious, which not only threatens human health but also causes great damage to the environment. Therefore, water treatment has become an indispensable part of today's society, aiming to remove pollutants from water through various physical, chemical, and biological methods, ensuring the purity and safety of water quality.


Among numerous water treatment technologies, chemical treatment methods have attracted much attention due to their high efficiency and wide range of applications. In the process of chemical treatment, the selection of chemicals used is particularly crucial. Although traditional chemical treatment agents have significant effects, they often come with potential threats to the environment. Therefore, finding an effective and environmentally friendly chemical treatment agent has become a key research direction in the field of water treatment.


Sodium percarbonate, as an emerging environmentally friendly chemical treatment agent, has attracted much attention due to its unique physical and chemical properties.


 It can not only effectively remove organic pollutants and some heavy metal ions from water, but also decompose microorganisms, thereby improving water quality. More importantly, the main byproducts produced by sodium percarbonate during its action are water and oxygen, which are environmentally friendly substances. Therefore, using sodium percarbonate as a water treatment agent can not only improve the efficiency of water treatment, but also reduce the impact on the environment and achieve the greening of the water treatment process.


In summary, the environmental characteristics of sodium percarbonate make it have enormous potential and value in the field of water treatment. Through in-depth research and widespread application of sodium carbonate, we can not only protect and utilize this valuable resource, but also contribute to building a greener and more sustainable future.


Basic Introduction to Sodium Percarbonate


Sodium percarbonate, also known as sodium percarbonate, is a white granular crystal that is stable at room temperature and easily soluble in water. It is a strong oxidant widely used in washing, bleaching, disinfection, and as an oxygen supply agent. Sodium percarbonate decomposes upon contact with water or heating, releasing oxygen, which makes it of great value in various industrial and household applications.


The chemical properties of sodium percarbonate

Oxidative: Sodium percarbonate is a strong oxidizing agent that can effectively decompose organic matter and kill bacteria.


Decomposability: When exposed to water or heated, sodium percarbonate will decompose into sodium carbonate and oxygen, a reaction commonly used for oxygen supply and bleaching.


Stability: Sodium percarbonate is relatively stable in dry and cool environments, but may accelerate decomposition in high temperature or humid environments.

Solubility: Sodium percarbonate is easily soluble in water, forming an alkaline solution.


Source and preparation of sodium percarbonate

The preparation of sodium percarbonate usually involves several different process methods, mainly including:


Wet preparation: This is a traditional preparation method that generates sodium percarbonate by reacting sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide under alkaline conditions. The advantage of this method is that the process is simple, but there may be issues with low product purity.


Dry preparation: Direct reaction of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide in the solid state, followed by heat treatment under controlled conditions. Sodium percarbonate prepared by dry method usually has higher purity and stability.


Improved wet preparation: This is a relatively new process that improves the stability and product quality of sodium percarbonate by optimizing reaction conditions and adding stabilizers. This method can better control the active oxygen content and yield of the product.


Preparation by crystallization method: By controlling the crystallization process of sodium percarbonate under specific reaction conditions, products with specific crystal morphology and particle size can be obtained to meet the requirements of specific applications.


Sodium percarbonate in water treatment


Removing organic pollutants


Organic pollutants are one of the common pollutants in water bodies, which may originate from industrial emissions, agricultural activities, domestic sewage, etc.


These organic compounds not only reduce water quality, but may also pose a threat to aquatic organisms and human health. Sodium percarbonate, as an oxidant, can effectively decompose these organic substances. In the process of water treatment, sodium percarbonate undergoes a chemical reaction with organic pollutants, oxidizing and decomposing them into harmless small molecules such as water and carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the impact of organic matter on water bodies.


Sterilization and disinfection effect


Microbial contamination in water bodies is one of the important causes of disease transmission. Sodium percarbonate exhibits good bactericidal and disinfection effects in water treatment. Its strong oxidative performance destroys the cell walls and membranes of microorganisms, thereby killing bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. Compared with chlorinated disinfectants, sodium percarbonate has a milder disinfection effect and does not leave harmful chlorinated byproducts in the water, while also having a smaller impact on the environment.


Improving water quality


In addition to removing organic pollutants and disinfecting, sodium percarbonate can also improve water quality and enhance the sensory quality of water. For example, sodium percarbonate can remove odors and colors from water, making it clearer and more transparent. In addition, the oxygen generated by the decomposition of sodium percarbonate can increase the dissolved oxygen content in water, help maintain the balance of aquatic ecosystems, promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms, and further improve water quality.


Comparison between Sodium Percarbonate and Other Water Treatment Methods


Traditional chemical treatment methods


Traditional chemical treatment methods typically include techniques such as chlorination, ozone oxidation, and flocculation. These methods have significant effects in treating pollutants in water bodies, but there are also some limitations:


Chlorination treatment: Although cost-effective, it may produce harmful chlorination byproducts such as trihalomethanes.


Odorization: Although it has strong oxidation ability, the equipment cost is high, the operation is complex, and the removal effect of certain pollutants is limited.

Flocculation: Aggregation of suspended particles in water by adding flocculants, but may require a large amount of chemical reagents and have poor removal effects on soluble pollutants.


Compared to these methods, sodium percarbonate, as an oxidant, can decompose organic pollutants under milder conditions without producing harmful by-products. In addition, the oxygen generated during the decomposition process of sodium percarbonate can increase the dissolved oxygen in water, which helps improve water quality.


Biological treatment methods


Biological treatment methods mainly rely on the metabolic action of microorganisms to degrade organic matter, including activated sludge method, biofilm method, etc. These methods have advantages such as low cost and environmental friendliness, but may be less efficient in handling recalcitrant organic matter and dealing with high concentration pollution loads.


Sodium percarbonate can be combined with biological treatment methods to improve the removal efficiency of recalcitrant organic matter. For example, using sodium carbonate pre-treatment before biological treatment can disrupt the structure of organic matter, making it more easily decomposed by microorganisms. In addition, the use of sodium percarbonate can reduce the amount of microorganisms required in the biological treatment process, thereby reducing operating costs.


Physical processing methods


The physical treatment methods include sedimentation, filtration, flotation, etc., mainly removing suspended particles and impurities from water through physical action. These methods typically have limited effectiveness in removing dissolved pollutants and may require significant energy consumption.


The role of sodium percarbonate in physical treatment is mainly reflected in its oxidation performance, which can be used in pre-treatment or post-treatment stages. In pretreatment, sodium percarbonate can oxidize soluble organic matter, transforming it into a form that is easy to physically remove. In post-treatment, sodium percarbonate can be used for disinfection and sterilization to ensure water quality safety.


Application Cases of Sodium Percarbonate


Drinking water treatment


In drinking water treatment, sodium percarbonate is mainly used as a disinfectant and oxidant. It can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in water, ensuring the hygiene and safety of drinking water. In addition, sodium percarbonate can also oxidize organic substances in water, reduce the concentration of organic pollutants in water, and improve water quality.


Case: In some drinking water treatment plants in certain areas, sodium percarbonate is used as the main disinfectant to improve water quality. By precisely controlling the dosage, residual chlorine and odors in water can be effectively removed, while avoiding the harmful by-products that may arise from traditional chlorination disinfection.


Industrial wastewater treatment


Industrial wastewater contains a large amount of toxic and harmful substances, causing serious pollution to the environment. Sodium percarbonate is mainly used as an advanced oxidant in industrial wastewater treatment, which can degrade organic compounds that are difficult to biodegrade and improve the treatment efficiency of wastewater.


Case: The wastewater of a chemical enterprise contains high concentrations of organic pollutants and some heavy metals. By using a combination of sodium percarbonate and other oxidants, these difficult to degrade organic compounds were successfully degraded. Through subsequent physical treatment processes, heavy metals were removed, making the wastewater meet the discharge standards.


Agricultural irrigation water treatment


In agricultural irrigation water treatment, sodium percarbonate can be used to improve water quality, kill pathogens in water, and reduce the impact on crop diseases. Meanwhile, the oxygen generated by the decomposition of sodium percarbonate can increase the dissolved oxygen in water, which is beneficial for crop growth.


Case: In some large-scale farm irrigation systems, in order to improve the quality of irrigation water, an appropriate amount of sodium percarbonate is regularly added to the reservoir. This can not only effectively kill bacteria and viruses in water, but also increase the dissolved oxygen content in water, promoting the healthy growth of crops.


The environmental advantages of sodium percarbonate


Reduce chemical residues


Sodium percarbonate can decompose into harmless substances such as water and carbon dioxide during use, without producing harmful chemical residues. This has significant advantages over traditional chemical treatment agents such as chloride disinfectants. Traditional disinfectants may leave harmful by-products in water treatment processes, such as trihalomethanes, which may have negative impacts on human health and the environment. The use of sodium percarbonate avoids this problem and ensures the purity and safety of water quality.


Reduce energy consumption


The operating conditions of sodium percarbonate in water treatment are relatively mild, and it can usually function at room temperature and pressure without the need for additional high-energy treatment methods such as heating, light, or ultrasound.


This greatly reduces the energy consumption during the water treatment process, which helps to reduce the overall water treatment cost. Meanwhile, due to the high efficiency of sodium percarbonate, the required treatment dose is relatively low, further reducing energy consumption during the treatment process.




The decomposition products of sodium percarbonate are environmentally friendly and do not cause secondary pollution, making it a sustainable water treatment option.


Compared with traditional water treatment chemicals, sodium percarbonate has a smaller environmental impact, which helps to achieve green and sustainable development in the water treatment process. In addition, the production process of sodium percarbonate is constantly being optimized to reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution during the production process, further improving its environmental performance.


Future development trends


technological innovation


With the continuous progress of science and technology, the production and application technology of sodium percarbonate is also constantly innovating. Future technological innovation may focus on the following areas:


Production efficiency improvement: By improving the production process, the production efficiency of sodium percarbonate is increased and costs are reduced, making it more economical and practical.


Performance optimization: Research and develop new sodium percarbonate composite formulations to improve their activity and stability under specific conditions, and enhance their removal efficiency for specific pollutants.


Intelligent application: By combining technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data, intelligent monitoring and automatic regulation during the use of sodium percarbonate can be achieved, improving the accuracy and convenience of water treatment.


Expansion of application fields


The application field of sodium percarbonate is expected to further expand, in addition to the existing water treatment field, it may also involve the following aspects:


Environmental remediation: Utilizing the oxidizing properties of sodium percarbonate to treat soil pollution and atmospheric pollutants, achieving comprehensive environmental remediation.


Healthcare: In the field of healthcare, sodium percarbonate may be used for disinfection, sterilization, and removal of biofilms on medical devices.


Food processing: In the field of food safety, sodium percarbonate can be used as a green disinfectant and preservative to improve the hygiene and safety of food processing.


Support from environmental policies


With the increasing global awareness of environmental protection, environmental policies will be more inclined to support the development of environmentally friendly technologies and products. Sodium percarbonate, as an environmentally friendly water treatment chemical, will receive strong policy support:



Policy encouragement: The government may introduce relevant policies to encourage the use of environmentally friendly water treatment chemicals such as sodium percarbonate and reduce reliance on traditional chemical treatment agents.


Financial support: Provide research and development funding support to promote the research and industrialization process of sodium percarbonate related technologies.


Market guidance: Through environmental standards and certification systems, guide the market and consumers to choose to use environmentally friendly products such as sodium carbonate.




The Potential of Sodium Percarbonate in Water Treatment


Efficient removal of pollutants: Sodium percarbonate can efficiently degrade organic pollutants in water, including antibiotics that are difficult to biodegrade, improving water quality and ensuring water safety.


Widely applicable: From drinking water treatment to industrial wastewater treatment, to agricultural irrigation water treatment, sodium percarbonate can play an important role in meeting the water treatment needs of different scenarios.


The promotion of technological innovation: With the deepening of research on sodium percarbonate, the development of its preparation methods, composite formulations, and innovative application technologies will continue to emerge, further improving its application effect and efficiency in the field of water treatment.


Contribution to environmental protection


Reducing chemical residues: The main byproducts produced after the decomposition of sodium percarbonate are water and oxygen, avoiding the harmful byproducts that traditional chemical treatment agents may produce and reducing the chemical burden on the environment.


Reducing energy consumption and operating costs: Sodium percarbonate can function at room temperature and pressure, reducing additional energy consumption and helping to lower the overall cost of water treatment.


Supporting sustainable development: As an environmentally friendly chemical, the use of sodium percarbonate conforms to the concept of sustainable development and helps promote environmental protection and the construction of a resource-saving society.



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